Harmony family, this morning we send a warm welcome to our brothers and sisters in Christ at Shiloh Christian Church as they begin sharing our humble space here at 400 E. Boardwalk!
Say hello to Pastor Terren and the congregation as we are SO THANKFUL for the upgrades to the landscaping on the east side of the property!
We hope and pray that this is the beginning of a long and loving relationship on our journey to spread the good news.


Let's Connect

Whether you have questions, need prayer or just want to reach out to us, we are here for you. You can call our church office or send an email. We would love to hear from you.

If you'd prefer to visit us in person, we’re here to serve you.  Please stop by Monday to Thursday, from 8:30 am to 4 pm and Fridays from 8:30 am to 12:30pm.


p: (970) 226-0603 f: (970) 225-0665 info@harmonypres.com

Mailing Address

Harmony Presbyterian Church 400 E. Boardwalk Dr Fort Collins, CO 80525

Prayer Requests/Contact Form

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