Mission Opportunities

Do You want to get involved in Mission?  We are looking for people with a passion to share the good news by actions and by word.  Both calling people to a life changing commitment to Christ and doing acts of love in His name are important to us.  Contact the office (226-0603) for the next mission team meating.  Good ideas, willing hands, caring heart are also appreciated.

We believe all people are loved and called by God into a relationship with Him.  Not all have figured this out, so part of our mission is to tell them the good news.  Others have discovered God’s love for them in Christ, but have yet to find a family of faith to hang out with and to grow with, we want to be that too.  And others have heard the Holy Spirit call them into ministries of love and reconcilation in all sorts of settings. we believe our role as a church is to both coordinate ministry and to support those who are engated in ministry.  We are a permission giving church with little structure to inhibit the response to God, but with accountability to be faithful.

 Harmony supports local missions such as Catholic Charities Northern, The Rocky Mountain Resource Center (dealing with cults & hate groups) and others.  We also participate in four yearly offerings of the Presbyterian Church (USA), The Christmas Offering, One Great Hour of Sharing, The Peacemaking and Pentecost Offerings.  These funds suppoprt local, national and international causes.

 Through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, PDA, we have ability to fund relief on the ground through and to local Presbyterian Churches.  These are people living in the effected areas who are serving and ministering to their members and neighbors.  There is also a fund at PDA to help rebuild destroyed churches in the area.  PCUSA.ORG is the place to go for more information.

Harmony is here to help and support in any way possible, but it is up to the congregation to really make things happen. The church cannot do it alone. Why? Because “The Church” is you! “The Church” is everyone, not only one. It is expected that members who feel the church needs to be involved in a mission will bring these desires and ideas to Larry and the congregation for consideration. No man is an island, or for that matter, no church is either.  Mission is the doorstep of the church, it is where we live and work and all we touch.  We are the mission force Christ assembled and filled with His Holy Spirit to Do the Father’s will.

Be prepared however, this congregation rocks and rolls! Your ideas will be welcomed and help found close at hand. So get organized, get ready to work, and bring us your ideas!

Mission Opportunities

The Harmony Knitters

Meet on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 6:30pm in the Flex Room. All knitters, crocheters, yarn work folks are welcome. Like more information? Contact Jean at 223-2570 or ajmoore44@comcast.net

 Special Offerings

Presbyterian Church (USA) national offerings are taken Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and in October (World Communion Sunday).  All proceeds go for mission in the US and overseas, for youth programming and intervention, and disaster/refugee relief worldwide.

Crop Walk

To help end hunger and bring clean & sanitary living to the third world is a goal of Church World Service through the Crop Walk.  This walk is once a year in the Fall.

Habitat For Humanity

Through the PresBuild Habitat house is an opportunity to work with the other Presbyterian related churches of Fort Collins.  We just finished building a home for Theresa Greene and her grandchildren.  We will be doing this again, so let us know of your interest.




Let's Connect

Whether you have questions, need prayer or just want to reach out to us, we are here for you. You can call our church office or send an email. We would love to hear from you.

If you'd prefer to visit us in person, we’re here to serve you.  Please stop by Monday to Thursday, from 8:30 am to 4 pm and Fridays from 8:30 am to 12:30pm.


p: (970) 226-0603 f: (970) 225-0665 info@harmonypres.com

Mailing Address

Harmony Presbyterian Church 400 E. Boardwalk Dr Fort Collins, CO 80525

Prayer Requests/Contact Form

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