It was an interesting Tuesday morning as Pastor Mary Ann, Jim & Art attended a breakfast at the Fort Collins Habitat For Humanity ReStore to learn more about the newest “campus” of homes to be built with the help of faith communities (like Harmony!).
The CommUNITY at Harmony Cottages on the corner of Harmony and Taft will be home to 48 families at build out.
Interested? Learn more at our upcoming meeting October 1 at 6 PM on planning for a Harmony mission, or call Erika direct at Habitat 970-488-2606 or go to their web site at
Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity
BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER to build homes, communities and hope.
Let's Connect
Whether you have questions, need prayer or just want to reach out to us, we are here for you. You can call our church office or send an email. We would love to hear from you.
If you'd prefer to visit us in person, we’re here to serve you. Please stop by Monday to Thursday, from 8:30 am to 4 pm and Fridays from 8:30 am to 12:30pm.
p: (970) 226-0603 f: (970) 225-0665
Mailing Address
Harmony Presbyterian Church 400 E. Boardwalk Dr Fort Collins, CO 80525