Happy Friday, Harmony! You made it through the week, and yes, the sun DID come up today!
A look back at Sunday’s CROP Walk - much thanks to Pastor Gus, our fearless leader Jim and Nancy/Major Carol/Bill as well as to all those who gave generously to make a difference here at the Food Bank For Larimer County and thru Church World Service around the world. It would not surprise me if they are in Panama City even as you read this . . . #prayers.
Lots of fun mixing it up by worshiping with our brothers and sister in Christ at the First Presbyterian contemporary service. LOVED the music selections!
Let's Connect
Whether you have questions, need prayer or just want to reach out to us, we are here for you. You can call our church office or send an email. We would love to hear from you.
If you'd prefer to visit us in person, we’re here to serve you. Please stop by Monday to Thursday, from 8:30 am to 4 pm and Fridays from 8:30 am to 12:30pm.
p: (970) 226-0603 f: (970) 225-0665 info@harmonypres.com
Mailing Address
Harmony Presbyterian Church 400 E. Boardwalk Dr Fort Collins, CO 80525